Meet Abigail
- Baby Saves
Last May I learned I was pregnant with my third child. I was so excited to learn I was pregnant. My husband and I had trouble conceiving our first child, so to have three children, wow, I was surprised. But along with my excitement, I always worry about the baby growing inside of me.
My doctor gave me a pamphlet about “Count the Kicks.” I didn’t remember getting anything like that with my first two pregnancies. When there were times where I felt like I wasn’t feeling much movement, I would read through your brochure and follow the directions.
So, my 30th week came, and that weekend I started to feel less movement. The following Tuesday I felt nothing.
I called and spoke with a nurse at my doctor’s office. She told me to go home and drink something that was heavily caffeinated and to eat something with a lot of sugar, lie down, and focus on the baby for one hour.
So, I did that and felt nothing.
I called back, talked to my doctor this time and he told me to head to the hospital so they could monitor me. This did not make me feel better, and I thought, “Oh, I will probably feel it kick on the way and I am being silly.”
We got to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitors to monitor the baby’s heart rate. After about 30 minutes I still felt nothing.
The doctor came in, looked at my printout and said it looks like the baby is moving.
I said, “Well, I have felt nothing.” So he ordered an ultrasound.
After scanning me for an hour, she could not find any movement either.
Then, she left and not even a minute later, nurses were coming in to start an IV. They only told me that we were having the baby that night.
The doctor came in and said it looked like the cord was around baby’s neck and that my fluid was low. He explained that the best thing was to deliver her now; she would do much better outside of me then inside.
I was rushed to surgery and delivered my sweet Abigail via c-section on Dec. 8, 2009. She weighed 3.2 lbs.
After delivery, we found out that her cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times and had a knot in it.
The doctor told me she probably would not have made it another hour. I was shocked by this information. I am so thankful that I read your information (almost daily) and listened to my body. She is truly a blessing, my little miracle!
I want to thank you for starting your organization and getting the information out there. I know it is not meant to scare people, but to inform them.
This was my third pregnancy after two very healthy, easy pregnancies. I never thought anything would go wrong this time, but it did. It goes to show that every pregnancy is different and that women need to be aware and listen to their bodies.
Watch their story here.
– Megan, Abigail’s mom
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