How to Count the Kicks

Use our free pregnancy app every day in the third trimester!

Count the Kicks helps you record how long it takes your baby to get to 10 movements, tracks changes over time, and reminds you to count every day. It’s available in 20+ languages.

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Count the Kicks is an easy, free, reliable way for expectant parents to monitor their baby’s well-being in the third trimester in addition to regular prenatal visits. After a few sessions on the app, you will start to notice an average amount of time it takes your baby to get to 10 movements.


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It’s important to count every day in the third trimester. If you notice a change in the strength of your baby’s movements or how long it takes your baby to get to 10 movements, call your healthcare provider right away.

App Features

  • Available in 20+ languages: Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Mandarin Chinese, Dari, English, French, Haitian-Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Kinyarwanda, Lingala, Marshallese, Mongolian, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, and Vietnamese.
  • Ability to count for single babies or twins.
  • Strength feature asks app users to rate the strength of their baby’s movements on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “fluttery” and 5 being “fierce.”
  • App empowers expectant parents get to know what’s normal for their baby by tracking movement and strength daily in the third trimester.
  • Ability to download and send kick counting data directly from the app.
  • Push notifications to remind users to count kicks, with reminders set for 24/48/72 hours and one week since last kick session.
  • ‘Ask Ana’ can assist with any baby movement or app questions that arise while monitoring your baby’s movement patterns on the app.
  • Continue counting function.
  • Notes function.
  • Daily interactive and educational messages that appear after a kick session has been saved.
  • The cutting-edge Count the Kicks app has been linked to saving dozens of babies around the country.
  • “Baby Save” stories within the app and the ability for users to submit a baby save story directly from the app.
  • An optional finish pregnancy survey for users to inform us of their experience using the app and the outcome of their pregnancy.

Ask Ana

‘Ask Ana’ is a knowledgeable, friendly, AI-generated assistant that is always ready to help expectant parents monitor their baby’s movements effectively.

Ask Ana
Ask Ana Illustration


This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis or treatment. Use of this information should be done in accordance with your healthcare provider.

©2021-2024 Healthy Birth Day, Inc.® and Count the Kicks® All Rights Reserved.

Count the Kicks® is a program of Healthy Birth Day, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the prevention of stillbirth through education, advocacy and research.