Meet Carter
- Baby Saves
“I was given a Count the Kicks brochure at my doctor’s office. During my third trimester, I found that my baby’s active time was at night time, so I would spend time counting each evening.
On Monday, Nov. 1, 2021, at exactly 37 weeks pregnant, I went to my OB to be monitored because I had a bad feeling because he wasn’t making his kick counts. This is when I found out that what I thought were Braxton-hicks contractions was actually active labor.
I started having contractions about 5 minutes apart, but was only 2 centimeters dilated and during this time his heart rate kept dropping after every contraction. Then my water broke and we learned that there was meconium in my uterus and the doctors said, ‘if we wait for labor he probably won’t make it, how do you feel about C-section?’ I agreed.
After my son was born, it was discovered that he had a cyst on his vocal cords that was causing a blockage and had to be surgically removed. I really believe if I had not known my son’s normal kick counts and trusted myself to speak up when I was concerned that my story could have ended differently.
I really hope my story inspires others to count their baby’s kicks and speak up if they notice a change because it saves lives!” -Marcedes B., Carter’s mom
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