Meet D.J.
- Baby Saves
“Our family was thrilled to welcome our newest addition, Dave Jr., on May 31. When I was pregnant with D.J., my OB gave me a paper kick-counting chart to track his movements, which I did, and would then bring back to share at appointments until that same OB told me I did not need to do kick counting any longer. Since I felt it was important and had already established the habit, I decided to download the Count the Kicks App after seeing an Instagram Ad.
Using the App was easy and enjoyable as I spent time learning my son’s normal movement pattern. I was a busy mom with a career, so I really liked that the App would send me daily reminders to count D.J.’s kicks. I found that he was an especially active baby in the mornings.
Over Memorial Day weekend, I noticed that my normally active baby was still moving but had slowed down so I decided to let my doctor know about my concerns when I arrived at my appointment the next day. Earlier in the pregnancy, I had been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, so I was receiving non-stress tests twice a week to monitor the baby’s health.
When the non-stress test was performed, it also showed that D.J.’s movements were less than they should be. This, along with my concerns with his movement slowdown, were indications to my doctor that the baby was experiencing distress.
Since I was 39 weeks pregnant and only days away from my scheduled C-section, it was determined he should be delivered that day. Upon delivery, the doctor indicated that there may have been issues with the placenta.
Although our sweet D.J.’s arrival was a bit more dramatic than we had anticipated, we are happy to report that everyone is healthy and well. I am grateful that I continued to kick count using the Count the Kicks App, as it helped me bring my son into this world safely.” -Star M., D.J.’s mom
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