Meet Kent
- Baby Saves
“My very active baby went radio silent the day I turned 35 weeks. He took one big, weird move at 9 a.m. and never moved again. I tried all the tricks … eating cookies, walking, pushing my belly, drinking something cold, but nothing worked. Being busy at work, I talked myself out of calling my provider for several hours. I didn’t want to be dramatic.
Well, I’m glad I had an encouraging co-worker to persuade me to call. My doctor instructed me to go straight to the hospital. My husband was out of town in Florida and we were relatively new to Chicago with a small support network and no family around other than my sister who was busy working as a transplant nurse for a downtown hospital. So I was completely alone. After about 90 minutes of ultrasounds, and before I even saw a doctor, about eight nursing staff came rushing into my room to report my baby had a 2/10 on his biophysical profile and he would need to be taken via Cesarean immediately.
They eagerly tried to remove my shoes and attempt to get me prepared for surgery, but I was so scared I couldn’t move. I knew my husband was trying to find a flight home and my parents were on their way from Des Moines, but I was being rolled down for surgery completely alone. As I was taking deep breaths trying to remain calm while waiting to find out the fate of my baby, my sister arrived just in time to get my husband on the phone and hold my hand during the scariest moment of our life.
It is a miracle that Kent was born healthy, but with the cord wrapped around four times. The pediatric neurologist told us if we would’ve waited even one more hour the baby would not have made it. It would’ve been REALLY easy to wait another hour when I was busy at work.
It is my prayer that my story can remind people to not only Count the Kicks but also take ACTION right away when there’s any decrease in movement.” -Mallory H., Kent’s mom
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