Meet Lucy
- Baby Saves
“Counting kicks wasn’t something I really knew about prior to becoming pregnant, and aside from the ‘is your baby moving?’ questions from my doctor at each visit, it wasn’t really discussed. But they did have posters for Count the Kicks all over my OB office, so I immediately downloaded the app and began using it religiously.
Somewhere in the middle of my pregnancy, I had a scare one day when I wasn’t feeling much movement. By that point, I had learned that my baby was pretty active, and she would almost always reach 10 kicks within 10-15 minutes. I went to the doctor for a non-stress test, and thankfully it turned out to be that she was just in a different position and totally healthy.
Fast forward to 40 weeks and 4 days; I found myself in the same position. I was scheduled to be induced the following night, but that day I couldn’t feel much movement. I sat and waited for a while. It was Sunday, July 4, and I wondered if I was being paranoid or just impatient because I was so ready to meet her. Eventually I decided to call and I spoke to the on-call doctor, who suggested we go to the hospital to get checked out.
Once we were there, everything happened very quickly. They monitored the baby’s heart rate and found that she wasn’t handling the contractions well. They took me in for an emergency C-section, and later the doctors told me that if we had waited until my scheduled induction, we likely would have lost her. It turned out that she was in distress and I had been right to go in.
If I hadn’t been using the app every day, I probably wouldn’t have noticed that something was wrong. Now I’m sitting here while my healthy baby girl plays on the floor (still just as active as she was in utero!), and I’m so grateful for the Count the Kicks app and what it taught me about my daughter.” -Eleni F., Lucy’s mom
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