CE Training for Healthcare Professionals

There are a lot of demands on today’s healthcare workers, but teaching patients how to use Count the Kicks only takes a few minutes. It is a conversation that could save a baby’s life!

Our CE Training helps maternal healthcare providers gain a deeper understanding of our evidence-based stillbirth prevention program and learn how to talk to expectant parents about fetal movement.

Count the Kicks CE Training

With this 4-hour training, you will:

  • Learn how to have the kick counting conversation with expectant parents.
  • Understand how to use the features of the Count the Kicks app.
  • Learn how to best utilize the free tools and resources available for providers.
  • Review ways to respond if an expectant parent says they are experiencing reduced fetal movement.
  • Formulate answers to the most frequently asked questions related to fetal movement.
  • Reflect on implicit biases and how biases and racism have shaped maternal healthcare.
  • Truly be impacting the lives of your expectant parents.
  • Earn 4 Continuing Education credits.

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