- Kerry Biondi-Morlan
- Healthy Birth Day, Inc.
Board Member
“Our first child, Grace, was born still at eight months due to placental infarcts. Although the pain of losing her was unbearable, the gifts she has given us have been extraordinary. Grace has blessed us with three healthy children, hand-picked, just for us. Every time we hear that a baby has been saved by Count the Kicks, it is like receiving a very special message from heaven. The time that I devote to Healthy Birth Day is the time I get to dedicate to Grace. Five special angels gave the founding mothers the gift of friendship at a time when it was most needed, and in turn, Count the Kicks is their legacy. I am proud to be Grace’s mother and I look forward to the day when every baby has a Healthy Birth Day.”
Kerry is one of the five original founding moms of Healthy Birth Day Inc., the 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that created the Count the Kicks campaign.
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