Meet Keegan
- Baby Saves
Keegan’s story, as told by his mom Sheena: “Keegan was due on Oct. 24, 2015. On Oct. 11 my husband, Brett, was heading out for one last day of golf while I had a day with my oldest son. Before Brett left, I told him I did not feel good. He joked that I could not go into labor. He left and I started to get ready to spend the day with my oldest. That’s when the contractions started and they started fast. The whole time I was distracted by the pain that I called Brett to come home and I called the hospital. I had told the nurse that I was having active contractions and that I had not felt Keegan move that morning. Keegan was a very active child so it was very unlikely for him not to give me a good kick in the ribs about every 30 minutes. I was told if Brett could not make it home in 10 minutes to call an ambulance. We were able to get to the hospital by 11 am and I was dilated at a 6. I was rushed into the delivery room where told that his heart rate was “tacky.” I had no idea what that meant and I was in so much pain that I could not focus on trying to understand what it meant. Keegan was born at 1:02 p.m. on Oct. 11. When he was born there were no crying and immediately the doctor told us that he had an angel watching over him. He thankfully was breathing, but he was having a very hard time. He had tied a tight knot in his cord, he swallowed the meconium, and he had pneumonia (later determined).
“Our story has a happy ending in that he turned 4 years old yesterday and other than having Asthma he is a healthy, spunky and sassy little man. We are grateful for the hospitals and NICU for getting us the care we needed in order for Keegan to survive and now thrive. We are also thankful for Count The Kicks. The education that they have given to women, hospitals, physicians and nurses is invaluable! They are truly making a difference in our communities and I can think of no better way of thanking them by celebrating Keegan having 4 years with us.”
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