Meet Antônio
- Baby Saves
“This wasn’t my first pregnancy; I was 38 weeks with my rainbow baby. I was really scared in this new pregnancy, but everything was going great. All scans, appointments and labs looked good. Everybody told me that I had nothing to worry about. I went to my ultrasound appointment and everything was perfectly fine.
My due date was on Feb. 21, 2024. On Feb. 8, I noticed I didn’t feel my baby moving when I woke up, which was strange because he was a very active baby. I went to my Grandma’s house to have breakfast with my family and I observed that Antônio didn’t move even after I ate.
So I started to get nervous and I laid down on my left side to see if he would start kicking. A few weeks prior I saw Instagram reels about how Count the Kicks was saving babies, and the stories caught my attention.
I started to Count the Kicks and I didn’t feel any. This was not his pattern. I decided to go to the hospital and when they ran the CTG [cardiotocograph] test, his heartbeat was as low as 74.
I had to get an emergency cesarean section. I delivered him in less than 20 minutes. All the staff told me that noticing a change in my baby’s movements saved his life.
They found clots and infarction areas in his placenta, but we still do not know the official cause for his change in movements.
Antônio is a healthy baby, and I don’t even like to think what would have happened if I hadn’t noticed that his kicking pattern had changed.
Count the Kicks helped me by giving the biggest gift ever! I’m forever thankful for finding your Instagram at the right time. I shared my experience with three other pregnant friends to let them know how important it is to keep both eyes on the kicks.” -Carolina F., Antônio’s mom
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