Meet Araton
- Baby Saves
“I counted my baby’s movements every day using the Count the Kicks app. Later in my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with preeclampsia and I was being monitored by my OBGYN due to protein in her urine. At the time, my blood pressure wasn’t high enough that they felt it was necessary to induce me.
Around 37 weeks I noticed Araton had fewer movements than normal. I also noticed some swelling in my legs and feet, along with dotted vision. I decided to head to labor and delivery to get checked, and that’s when my doctor discovered I had elevated blood pressure.
I stayed in the hospital overnight for observation and my doctor checked in with me in the morning, and that is when we decided it was time to be induced. After Araton was born, they discovered that he had a short umbilical cord and there were blood clots in my placenta.
I’m so glad I trusted my instincts and paid attention to my son’s movements. Because of that, Araton had a safe and healthy delivery.” – Alyssa L., Araton’s mom
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