• Meet Brooks

Meet Brooks

  • Baby Saves
  • 10.02.24

“Around 38.5 weeks pregnant I noticed that my baby was not moving as much as he normally does. I remembered seeing a video on TikTok about the app Count the Kicks. I downloaded the app to see if I was getting the recommended kicks hourly from my baby. 

Although I was tracking some movement with the app, I still had an instinct that something was wrong. I notified my provider at my 39-week appointment that I felt like I was noticing decreased movements and used the app Count the Kicks to track movement. I wasn’t getting the recommended amount of movement from my baby. 

My provider then scheduled an ultrasound where they confirmed the baby was not moving as he should. Although nerve-wracking, it was nice to know my maternal instincts were correct and I wasn’t going crazy. 

It was great to have the history saved from prior sessions. My care team decided it would be better to have the baby out rather than in. We started induction that evening and my beautiful healthy baby boy was born the following day! 

They found that my placenta was degraded by the time I delivered, but there was no diagnosis of why there was decreased movement. I’m so happy that this app exists. It helped my baby arrive safely into this world!” – Catherine E., Brooks’ mom

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