Meet Ella
- Baby Saves
“I learned about Count the Kicks during my pregnancy, and in the third trimester I was using a paper kick counting chart to track my baby’s movements. When I was about 34 weeks pregnant I noticed I wasn’t feeling as much movement when I was counting my kicks every day. I went into our labor and delivery triage due to decreased fetal movement along with vision changes to rule out pre-eclampsia, which I didn’t have. After talking with my OB/Gyn, it was deemed that we were going to continue to monitor with non-stress tests (NSTs) and ultrasounds, and baby Ella and I ended up being discharged home.
From there, I woke up one day when I was 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I wasn’t feeling any movement at all. I went into our labor and delivery triage at my local hospital and ended up being really lethargic to the point that I passed out. They found that my fluid levels had dropped significantly. Because of that and the decreased fetal movement, my medical team decided it would be better to induce me for mine and Ella’s safety.
After her safe arrival, I found out that Ella and I had an array of complications leading up to her delivery. The umbilical cord was starting to fail and Ella had intrauterine growth restriction. I also had low amniotic fluid levels, and it was the shift in my fluid levels that caused me to have blurry/double vision, a fall, an episode of lethargy and to go unconscious.
Counting the kicks that day is probably the only reason that both me and her are here today. I will always support Count the Kicks!” -Jackie D., Ella’s mom
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