Meet Eva
- Baby Saves
“I received a Count the Kicks brochure at my 28-week appointment and started using the app right away. A few days after my 36-week appointment I noticed that my baby was not moving as much and it was taking a lot longer than usual to get to 10 kicks. My next appointment was a few days away and I brought it up to my provider. She ordered an ultrasound and it was discovered that I had almost no amniotic fluid.
I was sent to the hospital and induced the same day. My daughter was born Sept. 2, 2020 at 37 weeks 1 day, and although she’s on the small side, she is healthy. I am very grateful that Count the Kicks made me aware of the importance of paying close attention to baby’s movements and also that my provider took my concerns seriously and took action.
I pray that my daughter stays healthy and continues to grow to become whoever her heart desires. I highly recommend the app to all the expecting moms out there. Happy and healthy deliveries to everyone.” Yelly Sarah C., Eva’s mom
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