Meet Kai-Dalton
- Baby Saves
“On April 23, we welcomed my sweet boy, Kai-Dalton. He is the baby I was told I would not be able to conceive. Today Kai is a chubby, happy, and loved addition to our family. He is a bit of a miracle two times – first his conception and then his safe arrival after a scare before delivery.
During my pregnancy, I learned about the importance of kick counting from my doula, who suggested that I use the Count the Kicks App. I took her advice and downloaded and used the App regularly. My pregnancy with Kai-Dalton was considered high-risk, which meant that I was receiving extra care. I was going weekly for NST (non-stress test) and BBP (biophysical profile) testing to monitor the pregnancy.
At 37 weeks I went to my scheduled appointment and despite my and the nurses’ efforts to get him to move, he failed his NST due to a non-reactive heart rate. I indicated I was concerned because despite my efforts to get him to move, he was not.
We then proceeded to have the BPP, which was also concerning as he was not moving normally during that test either. At this point, I was telling the healthcare team that my baby is normally active, this was not his normal movement, and I just knew something was wrong so they agreed to send me to the OB emergency department.
I received another ultrasound that showed him not moving and I was not feeling movement either, but the care team kept telling me he was just sleeping and felt it would be OK for me to go home. I insisted that I needed to stay, that something was wrong because I knew how Kai normally moved and this was NOT OK.
Only after strongly advocating to stay did the doctor agree to induce me. Thankfully, I did deliver my son healthy, but with the cord around his neck and arm which was certainly restricting his movement. Kai-Dalton was telling me something was wrong, and I am glad I had the knowledge about his movement, so I felt empowered to speak up.” -Ify O., Kai-Dalton’s mom
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