Meet Leo
- Baby Saves
This is Leo. He was born at 28 1/2 weeks.
At my 28 week appointment, I was told about the Count the Kicks program.
Honestly, I didn’t give it much thought as I’d never had problems with my first-born and had been pretty healthy with this one.
Over Thanksgiving weekend, I noticed some small contractions.
By the following Monday, I noticed he wasn’t moving much. I thought he was just being stubborn and sleepy.
A few days later, on that Wednesday morning, my motherly instincts told me something wasn’t right.
I remembered the Count the Kicks advice I was told about exactly a week before.
I called my doctor and was told to come in.
There was no fetal movement on the ultrasound, and a very, very faint heartbeat.
Within minutes, doctors literally ran me in for an emergency c-section.
Leo had to be resuscitated twice, but he made it.
He was fortunate to make it through a brain bleed, and after two months in the NICU he came home.
He is now an active and ornery soon-to-be 18-month old.
I can’t thank you enough for this program. The doctors told us if I had waited another few hours, both my son and I would not be here to share our story.
I’m finally able to share this with you, as it’s been difficult to be reminded of such a scary and uncertain time.
My advice to all moms-to-be: Listen to your instincts and count the kicks!!!
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