Meet Liam
- Baby Saves
“I am an OB nurse (have worked on a high risk antepartum and postpartum unit for 8 years, 3 as an assistant nurse manager). So I have been well versed in the importance of kick counts.
When I was 31 weeks pregnant, I went in for preterm labor concerns and was given betamethasone. At 31 weeks, 3 days, I noticed that my baby didn’t seem to be moving as much as normal. I went to sleep after I got my kick counts, but overnight and the next morning I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
I went and got a sugary drink, and when I still wasn’t feeling his normal movement and didn’t get 10 kicks in two hours, I decided to call our labor and delivery unit to say I was coming in.
After arriving, I could tell with my training that his monitoring was not reactive. After an hour of non-reactive tracing, we went for a Biophysical profile. He only scored a 4/8 and still wasn’t moving.
Because I was steroid complete, the decision was then made to deliver him via C-section.
I met my baby boy 9 weeks early and he came out screaming! I have never felt such relief and happiness. He rocked the NICU and we left in about a month.
Without the knowledge of kick counts, I have no clue what could have happened and I hate to even think about it. I now have my beautiful baby boy because of this!” Alyssa S., Liam’s mom
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