Meet Lilia
- Baby Saves
When I was pregnant with my first child (daughter) she measured on the smaller side my whole pregnancy. My doctor ordered extra scans periodically to see how she was growing, but she was always a week or two behind. I went in on a Monday and had an ultra sound, my doctor and tech seemed very tense since my fluids were measuring at a 6. She ordered a non-stress test for that Thursday. Somehow I knew deep down I would be having our baby a month earlier than her due date. I packed all our bags and left them in the car while I went in to do the non-stress test. My husband was at school, still working on his undergrad. After the non-stress test was over, my doctor said, well…not quite what we want to see, let’s have you go do another ultra sound. I had what would be my last ultra sound since my amniotic fluids had dropped to a 4. The doctor came in and at that point, my husband had made it to be with me and she said, “Looks like we’re having a baby tonight!”
I had no idea about Count the Kicks and I was 36 weeks at that point. We had the baby that night via emergency C-section!!! She ended up being 5lb 7oz 17in and was in the NICU for 10 days. I beat myself up for years for having her come “too early” but, after learning more and having faith that it could have been a much worse outcome, I was so thankful she was okay. She never had any developmental problems, she actually excelled in language and speaking. She is 4.5 today and a very happy and healthy girl! None of us knows the answers to “why” things happen the way they do, but I consider myself very blessed, despite all the hardships and worries we went through. I know count the kicks can help save many, many babies with this simple knowledge and practice for mothers in their last trimester of pregnancy.
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