Meet Logan
- Baby Saves
“My husband and I are IVF parents, and it took a long journey for us to conceive. This was my first pregnancy, and after the trials of fertility treatment, I felt anxious throughout. Having an anterior placenta added to that anxiety because I couldn’t feel movements as early as I’d hoped. When I finally started feeling him kick, it was later in the pregnancy — but once he started, he never stopped.
I discovered Count the Kicks on social media during my third trimester. Even though tracking movements with an anterior placenta was tricky, I was determined to stay informed. Using the app helped me feel more connected to my baby, and I would often do a kick count whenever I felt anxious — like after working for a while and realizing I hadn’t noticed his movements.
At 40 weeks and 4 days, I noticed a significant decrease in movement. He was having a slow morning, and after trying the usual tricks — a snack, some juice, and lying on my side — I opened my Count the Kicks app.* My baby barely made his 10th kick within the hour, which is the timeframe my midwives recommended. I knew something wasn’t right because he was typically so active, especially toward the end.
Concerned, I called my midwives’ office, who brought me in for a non-stress test (NST). During the NST, my baby again barely passed, even after they extended the test. I just didn’t feel right, especially with his kick count taking longer than usual. They planned to send me home and asked me to return in two days, but I decided to advocate for myself. I requested a fluid check or an ultrasound — anything to put my mind at ease. The ultrasound revealed extremely low fluid levels, with no quadrant in my belly having more than 1 centimeter of fluid. I was sent to labor and delivery for induction.
My labor lasted about 16 hours. He had a nuchal cord, and there was some staining from meconium. When my water broke, it was barely a trickle, which further confirmed the low fluid levels.
Logan entered the world healthy and happy, and that was the ultimate goal. After over three years of trying to conceive, Count the Kicks played a part in helping us reach this outcome. I hadn’t been showing signs of labor, so without tracking his kicks, I wouldn’t have known anything was wrong. Having that tangible number to hold onto helped me advocate for my baby.
With a background in healthcare and years working as a therapist, I always told my patients to advocate for themselves. This was my moment to be my own best advocate, and I’m so grateful I did. Thanks to Count the Kicks, I felt empowered to speak up and ensure my baby’s safe arrival.
Today, Logan is 14 months old and the best baby we could have hoped for. He’s our one and only right now, but he’s the kind of baby who makes you want more. He’s a great eater, and food is his absolute favorite — he’s just a happy guy.
My advice for other moms is to trust your gut. Even though you haven’t met that baby, you know them more than anyone else in the world. Don’t feel silly for asking for another test or posing another question. It’s always worth it.” -Robyn D., Logan’s mom
Editor’s Note: Research shows that fetal movement is best monitored without interventions like juice, candy, or drinking ice water.
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