• Meet Luna Mae

Meet Luna Mae

  • Baby Saves
  • 03.12.25

“After facing some initial challenges with fertility and a few concerns at the start of my pregnancy, I was grateful to experience a healthy and uneventful second trimester. Throughout my pregnancy, I was dedicated to learning as much as I could about pregnancy and childbirth. 

In addition to attending my regular appointments, I also took two childbirth education classes and listened to pregnancy-related podcasts. My OB-GYN’s office provided me with a flier advising me to kick count once a day. Despite my efforts to educate myself, I still felt uncertain about how to properly count kicks and, more importantly, why it was so important. I was also told the unsubstantiated claim that kick counting increases anxiety for women, which only added to my confusion. What I was certain about regarding fetal movement was that I did enjoy noticing and feeling my daughter’s daily movements.

At 34 weeks pregnant, I detected that my daughter seemed less active and the movement seemed weaker, which left me feeling unsettled. I even called my provider’s office the next day and was reassured that everything was fine, as my description of her movements met their protocol for normal — 10 movements within one hour. 

Later in the day while enjoying a walk, I turned on a podcast that I had come to enjoy called MamasteFit, which focuses on pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and overall fitness for moms. As if by divine intervention, the podcast featured Megan Aucutt, the Program Director for Healthy Birth Day, Inc, with the topic of conversation focused on the evidence-based education of the Count the Kicks program. 

As I listened intently, I was particularly struck by the fact that every baby is unique, meaning there isn’t a set amount of movement that applies to all. Instead, it’s important to understand what is normal for my own baby. More importantly, Megan emphasized that if a mom ever feels uncertain, it is always best to go to their provider to have their concerns checked out. 

Needless to say, I downloaded the Count the Kicks app, but I also decided to take Megan’s advice and head to the hospital because my baby girl’s movements were abnormal, and I wasn’t reassured. After an initial evaluation with a continuous heart rate monitor to check her heart rate, followed by an ultrasound, the hospital decided to keep me overnight for close monitoring. 

I’m beyond grateful they did, because the next morning, my daughter was delivered by emergency cesarean section due to signs of severe distress. At birth, it was discovered that she had been losing blood and immediately required a transfusion. 

If I hadn’t listened to my gut and gone to the hospital that night, even a day later she wouldn’t be here today. She spent four days in the NICU before being transferred to a Level 2 care nursery, where she continued to grow and thrive over the next couple of weeks before we were able to bring her home.

Luna is doing wonderfully now, and she serves as a living testament to the importance of empowering moms like me with the right education and the confidence to seek medical help if a concern arises about a change in baby’s movement. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to speak up when in doubt.” -Allison W., Luna’s mom

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