Meet Rhett
- Baby Saves
The night of Sept. 6, 2019 we were out to eat with friends and I was getting so much movement that my friends couldn’t talk to me without watching my belly shake. This was the normal baby movement that my doctor awarded “the most active baby.”
The next morning I woke up and did a bunch of odds and ends, then my husband and I went out and weaned our cows and calves. That night as I was lying in bed I had noticed that I hadn’t felt the baby move over the day, so I began messing with my tummy to see if I could get movement. Because I wasn’t getting any response from the baby I woke my husband up. We concluded that I was too busy over the day to notice anything and now the baby was probably sleeping, so we would wait until morning.
During the night I woke up multiple times to mess with the baby but never did get any response, so the next morning we made our way into the hospital.
When we got to the doctor they were instantly worried. The baby still had a strong heart rate of about 140 but never gave us any movement during the Non Stress Test, so they decided to do an ultrasound where they found that the chord was wrapped around the neck. They then told us that our baby was going to be here in 30 minutes with no choice but an emergency Cesarean.
That 30 minutes was the scariest moment of my life but it didn’t end there. When they opened me up the whole room gasped and started counting. Our baby boy had the cord very tightly wrapped around his neck four times. Lying on the operating table helpless and sobbing, I just wanted to know if he was OK. I couldn’t hear his cry and no one would answer me. It took a minute, but finally I heard the best sound I’ve ever heard — his cry. The doctor told my husband “your wife’s motherly intuition saved your baby’s life because this baby would not have made it much longer.”
Rhett James weighed 4 lbs 7.2 ounces and measured 18.25 inches long. He was exactly 5 weeks early and after being told we would be in the NICU for 3-4 weeks, we were released 9 days later with our little miracle baby.
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