Meet Zoey
- Baby Saves
“By regularly using the Count the Kicks app, I was aware of my baby’s normal movement patterns. When I noticed a decrease in movements, I was able to use the app to accurately present the information to my providers.
The change in movement at 35 weeks prompted a visit to the ER, where my severe preeclampsia was first detected. I was subsequently hospitalized for one week to monitor my blood pressure and my baby’s condition. My daughter’s decreased heart tones were detected by regular monitoring while hospitalized. An emergency C-section was performed immediately, and my rainbow baby, Zoey James, was born, alive, at 36 weeks.
Without the app, I would not have been so in tune with my baby and her first indications of my high blood pressure and her decreasing heart tones would not have been identified.
My daughter is here, happy and healthy, thanks to my regular use of the Count the Kicks app. Thankfully, I was able to avoid another tragic stillbirth by recognizing my baby’s first signs of distress through the app.” -Melissa Z., Zoey’s mom
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