A New Tool: Introducing our web-based kick counting platform
We are excited to announce our new web-based kick counting platform is live! This new tool allows expectant parents to track their baby’s movements on a desktop or laptop computer, and makes kick counting more accessible.
The web counter is a great option for expectant parents who don’t have access to a mobile device or tablet. Expectant parents can even track their baby’s movement on a computer at the public library or at a friend’s house!
How to Use the Web Counter
To get started, visit startcounting.countthekicks.org and click the “Start Counting” button in the middle of the page. You can start counting right away for a single baby or twins! Sign in or create an account to keep track of all of your sessions, create reminders, and more! For those who are logged in, kick counting data from the web counter will sync with the mobile app, so you can count on the web or in the mobile app and see your session history over time.
After your baby reaches 10 movements, the web counter will ask you to rate the strength of your baby’s movements and allow you to add any notes on that day’s kick counting session.
Making Kick Counting Accessible
“We want to make kick counting accessible for all expectant parents in the third trimester of pregnancy. We are excited to add this new tool to make it easier for expectant parents to get to know their baby’s normal movement patterns and empower them to speak up if they notice a change,” said Megan Aucutt, Program Director for Healthy Birth Day, Inc.
The free Count the Kicks app is available to download in 16 languages in the iOS and Google Play app stores. The new web-based kick counter is also available to use in 16 languages.
Support for the Project
We would like to thank the Polk County Supervisors, Prairie Meadows, Polk County Early Childhood Iowa, and Microsoft for their support to help develop a web-based kick counting platform. We are also grateful for the generous support of Count the Kicks Ambassadors Jillian Wolley, Heather Johnston-Welliver, Danielle Barkley, and Emily McConnell. Their fundraising efforts allowed us to turn the web-based kick counter into a reality.
Ohio Ambassador Heather Johnston Welliver organizes Lydie’s Loop: Steps Against Stillbirth each fall to increase awareness, support research, promote education, and encourage advocacy and family support regarding stillbirth. Ambassadors Danielle Barkley and Emily McConnell organize Walk of Remembrance: Miles for Margaret, Lydia and All Babies Gone Too Soon each fall in South Carolina. Jillian Wolley raised funds over several years in honor of her daughter Dorie.
Visit our Ambassador page to read more about this powerful team of kick counting advocates.
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