Meet Alex
- Baby Saves
“I was 39 weeks pregnant and excited to meet my baby. On the Friday prior to my induction, I sat down to count my baby’s kicks. I had found the free Count the Kicks app when searching the App Store and used it regularly to help me track my baby’s movement. Typically, it would only take my son a few minutes to get 10 kicks – but not this time. I drank cold water/orange juice laid on my left side and still only counted two kicks within a 2-hour window of time. I was scared and went to hospital thinking something bad was happening with my baby. I knew waiting until Wednesday could be too late.
At the hospital, they hooked me up for a NST to check on my baby and thankfully he had a heartbeat and was moving. I was SOOO relieved! The nurse said she would be back in a few minutes to discharge me, but 40 minutes went by, and I was lying there thinking ‘what’s taking so long?’ Suddenly, my doctor walks in and tells me my baby’s heart rate isn’t where he wants it to be and he is going to admit me to the hospital. I knew my intuition was right!
They took me to my room and gave me Pitocin and I barely had any contractions when a team of nurses and my doctor rushed into the room. The doctor let me know my baby’s heart rate had dropped dangerously low and said it would need an emergency C-Section. I am grateful that my son was born healthy that day because had it not been for Count the Kicks, my son wouldn’t have survived! I was never given a reason for his distress.
I tell EVERY mama-to-be my story and about how Count the Kicks saved Alex’s life! I am forever grateful and thankful that I listened to my instincts and counted the kicks.” -Astine G., Alex’s mom
Editor’s Note: The recommendation to get 10 kicks in 2 hours is outdated. Every baby is different, and current research indicates expectant parents should work to understand the normal amount of time it takes their baby to get to 10 movements each day. Research also shows that fetal movement is best monitored without interventions like juice, candy, or drinking ice water.
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