Meet Cayson
- Baby Saves
It was Labor Day 2015 and my husband and I were making a big breakfast as he had the day off. We had joked about going into labor on Labor Day day for the weeks leading up to it. I remember feeling so refreshed that my little guy didn’t wake me up kicking and moving all night like he usually did, but I knew it was a red flag and started doing everything I could to get him to move.
I drank some cold orange juice and walked up and down some stairs, but got no movement. I grabbed my portable fetal heart monitor and was relieved to hear a strong heartbeat, but I knew that wouldn’t tell me if the baby was stressed.
I called my doctor and was told to come to the hospital right away as the clinic was closed for the holiday. I was hooked up for a non-stress test followed by an ultrasound where he didn’t move or breath his own. The tech called the doctor and as she hung up she said, “You’re going to be having this baby today!”
I was induced within minutes. After he was here and healthy my doctor came up to me, squeezed my arm tight and said, “I’m so happy you came in, this could have ended so differently for you today.”
Tears streamed down my face as I looked past her starring at my healthy baby in his bassinet.
-Cayson’s Mom
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