Stillbirth Facts

We’re working to reach the expectant parents most at risk of experiencing stillbirth.

Our ultimate goal is to make meaningful, sustainable, and systemic change that leads to a world where the impacts of age, ability, access to healthcare, ethnicity, geography, race, or socioeconomic status are no longer predictors of stillbirth.

Expectant woman uses Count the Kicks app.

Every year in the U.S. an average of 21,209 babies are born still, according to the CDC. Disparities in stillbirth outcomes persist, and data shows that a disproportionate number of babies are born still to Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Black, and American Indian or Alaska Native families. Expectant parents in some age groups, geographic locations, and those expecting multiples also face an increased risk of stillbirth.

According to the CDC:

  • 1 in 177 of all pregnancies in the U.S. ends in stillbirth.
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander pregnancies have a 1 in 97 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • Black pregnancies have a 1 in 100 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native pregnancies have a 1 in 139 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • Hispanic pregnancies have a 1 in 216 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • White pregnancies have a 1 in 223 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • Asian pregnancies have a 1 in 270 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • Pregnancies of women aged 45+ have a 1 in 99 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • Pregnancies of women ages 40-44 have a 1 in 119 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • Pregnancies of women ages 15-19 have a 1 in 146 chance of ending in stillbirth.
  • The risk of stillbirth for women who smoke in pregnancy is 1 in 102.
  • The risk of stillbirth for male babies is 4% higher than for female babies.
  • The risk of stillbirth is two times higher for twin pregnancies than for singleton pregnancies.
  • Stillbirth rates for triplet or higher-order deliveries are four times higher than for singletons.
  • Stillbirth is more common in the South than in other regions of the United States. [Source]

Research from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) shows there are several contributing factors to the racial health disparities in stillbirth. Researchers point to the following as causes for the differences:

  • Epigenetics explains how early experiences, both positive and negative, can have lifelong impacts. This type of scientific research shows how environmental influences can affect the expression of genes. [Source]
  • Expectant parents of color are more predisposed to conditions like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
  • Lack of access to healthcare can impact early concerns or diagnosis of conditions and treatment.
  • Rural Americans are at greater risk for poor outcomes. According to a 2024 March of Dimes report, over 35% of U.S. counties lack birthing facilities or obstetric clinicians, affecting over 2.3 million women of reproductive age. [Source]
  • Socioeconomic barriers.
  • Education is NOT a determining factor. [Source]

Our Commitment

We believe knowledge is power, and when we make the world a safer place for maternal health care, everyone wins. We have an intentional focus to reduce the differences in health outcomes affecting those communities most at risk of enduring a stillbirth.


Stillbirth Impact

Research has revealed that some groups of expectant parents are more likely to experience stillbirth.

  • 1 in 100

    Black pregnancies have a 1 in 100 chance of ending in stillbirth according to the CDC.

  • 1 in 119

    Pregnant women ages 40-44 have a 1 in 119 chance of experiencing a stillbirth according to the CDC.

  • 1 in 102

    The risk of stillbirth for pregnant women who smoke is 1 in 102.

  • 1 in 177

    CDC data shows that 1 in 177 of all pregnancies in the U.S. ends in stillbirth.

  • 2x

    The risk of stillbirth is two times higher for twin pregnancies than for singleton pregnancies.

  • 1 in 97

    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander pregnancies have a 1 in 97 chance of ending in stillbirth according to the CDC.

Feel the Beat

Feel the Beat follows an expectant couple as they make a tradition of dancing with their daughter and counting her kicks using the free Count the Kicks app.

Help us improve birth outcomes by sharing this video and the free Count the Kicks app with the people you love.

Baby Saves

Families who helped save their babies using Count the Kicks tell us how important it is to trust your instincts and speak up if you notice a change.

More Resources

Count the Kicks is an evidence-based stillbirth prevention program that provides educational resources to healthcare providers and expectant parents.

  • Provider Resources

    Information to help healthcare providers share Count the Kicks education.

    Provider Academy
  • How to Count

    Free resources to help expectant parents learn more about kick counting.

    Parent Academy


Counting kicks is a simple way to monitor your baby’s well-being. Expectant parents should begin counting daily at the start of the third trimester.

  • Start a timer to track baby's movements


    Start a timer and record the time it takes for you to feel 10 movements.

  • Count baby's kicks every day around the same time


    Pick a time when baby is active to start counting, preferably the same time every day.

  • Compare kick session to previous times


    After each day's counting session, compare that time with your past sessions.

  • Contact

    Go to the hospital right away if you notice a change in your baby's movement patterns.

Download the App

Use our free pregnancy app daily in the third trimester! It helps you record how long it takes your baby to get to 10 movements, tracks changes over time, and reminds you to count every day.

Get the App
Black woman holds mobile phone with Count the Kicks app on the screen

Easy Delivery!

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This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis or treatment. Use of this information should be done in accordance with your healthcare provider.

©2021-2025 Healthy Birth Day, Inc.® and Count the Kicks® All Rights Reserved.

Count the Kicks® is a program of Healthy Birth Day, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the prevention of stillbirth through education, advocacy and research.